Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hey S.I.B's !! I hope everyones week is going well ! Since I have been about fifteen years old I have been a finger nail lover! Its just something about a polished well kept hand that makes me happy. As soon as I got my first check from Wendy's when I was 16 I immediately went out to get my tips put on! Ever since then I have been a major acrylic user. I was at the nail shop every other week making sure that my nails looked amazing! Until one day I decided too take the acrylics off to give my pockets and nails a break,and I discovered that my nails were completely damaged!!! They were so weak and brittle! They looked horrendous! It was then that I decided to go on the search for products that would make my natural nails look fierce ! ( that was so Tyra I tried several name brands like Sally Hanson and Nutra Nail, but nothing has helped my nails more then Nail Envy by O.P.I. I used this product for about three weeks and my nails started to look better then ever before!! My nails have never looked so healthy and long! This product however, does come with a hefty price tag but is sooooo worth it! I will never have fake nails again.....unless they stop making nail Envy!! Go check it out!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


“I’m going to lose 150 pounds and be a size two! “ the middle aged lady proclaimed across the hall in the exam room across from me. The doctor repeated “A size two? Really? “Then the doctor smiled with the words YEAH RIGHT written all over her face then giggled. In the next room, I was sitting on the exam bed in discomfort because I just knew the middle aged lady was going to go off! So I said to myself “Oh snap! “ (You read correctly, I said oh snap! I have decided to bring it back single handedly) Instead the middle aged lady broke down into tears and expressed her desire and dreams to be a size two. The doctor comforted her for about ten minutes, and then explained to her that not everyone is made or built to be a size two. The lady strongly protested and stormed out of the doctor’s office. After the commotion, the doctor apologized to me and proceeded with my examination. She checked the regular things, the ears, my pulse etc…. Then it was time for her ask me my weight!! Due to the other ladies outburst, I decided to be truthful and tell her my weight and height before she made me get on the scale. She wrote my weight on some chart then continued with the exam. Was I fine? Did I need to lose weight? My curiosity got to me and I had to ask! I asked with hesitation… “Hey doc……what size should I be”? The pause between my question and the doctor’s answer was at least an hour!! Well at least it seemed like that. The doc took out a chart and told me that according to my height and bone structure I should be a size four!!!! Well ladies, I ain’t a size four! Looks like I got some work to do! The doc told me not to worry about it so much. She said if I lose ten to fifteen pounds I should be good. That’s what I intend to do! I have been working my butt off and I’m down a few pounds already! Why are women so touchy about weight? I know I am. If my husband makes one wrong look at what I’m eating I turn incredible hulk on him and tear him to shreds! (I’m pretty sure I turn green and rip my clothes to! ) What is it? Why can’t women feel comfortable in our own skin? If you need to lose weight, why can’t we do it with a smile and love who we are in the process. Are men like this? Why aren’t men like this? How do we teach women of the next generation to appreciate the skin their in? What are your thoughts? Until next time, always be on the lookout for yourself inspired beauty. Even if part of your beauty evolves loosing weight or being comfortable in the skin you’re in.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Optimum Style

So, remember when everyone was wearing the biggest sunglasses they could find? A big bag, a scarf and pair of huge sunglasses where what made you look like a "it" girl lol! But now a days , women tend to be leaning toward the sunglass that look more sleek. Aviators and vintage 1980 style wayfarer's are everywhere! I have at least five pairs of aviators , but not one pair of wayfarers! I simply must go try them on to see how they look on me! What do you like better the aviators or the wayfarer's? Or are you sticking to your big bold sunglasses? (the picture above is Nicole Riche in wayfarer's)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Optimum Inspiration ( what will your legacy be?)

Love him or hate him , admire him or despise him, it is clear to see that Micheal Jackson left a huge impression on the world. Watching his funeral yesterday really made me realize how many people really loved him and how much good he did in this world. Micheal Jackson left a lasting impression on this world and his legacy will live on forever.
While tuned into Micheal Jackson memorial service yesterday, I started thinking. When I'm dead and gone what will my legacy be? what will people remember me for? Will they remember me as the girl with the NY attitude? Will they remember me for the girl who always wanted to do something big in her life but never did? Will they remember me for being funny, or pretty, or a little prissy? The other day I was talking with my friend Cherie (you will see that name a lot....She is my home girl! lol ! ) and we were briefly discussing the fact that women often limit ourselfs. We put what we can accomplish in our life in a box and never step out of that box. We are told that we should go to school, get a job,get married, and have children. Now, don't get me wrong, that is the obvious progression in life but, can we have more? When asking my mother in law what her aspirations where when she was younger she replied " I just wanted to become a wife, mother, and a secretary" Then I asked her if she had any other goals in her life. My mother in law responded " Yeah, I would have loved to write a cook book and open a restaurant" When I asked her why she didn't she simply said that it was a foolish dream. Why do our dreams have to be foolish? Why do we have to stay inside the box? Why cant we build a phenomenal legacy that we are proud of! What if my mother in law opened her restaurant? Where would she have been now? Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is just apart of life. In my opinion, its better to have failed at something you want, then to have never even tried! What is it that you want to do? What do you want your legacy to be? I have a very clear idea of what I want people to remember me for. I plan on trying my hardest to accomplish the goals that I set for myself and believe in God to do the rest. Stay tuned for SHUKURA TAYLORS LEGACY!!! Whats yours?.. until next time , define your legacy and always be on the look out for your self inspired beauty!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Since I have been 16 I have been on the quest to find what my purpose in life was. At one point I wanted to work for the United Nations. At another point I wanted to be a social worker. I even contemplated being a journalist, until something hit me and I made the grand announcement that I WAS GOING TO BECOME A TEACHER!! Yes, finally I found what I wanted to do with my life right! WRONG! It wasn't until recently that I realized that I do in fact have teaching in my spirit however, my teaching energy is in another realm of teaching. My goal now is to teach women how to find and appreciate their self inspired beauty, to go after their goals, and to accept nothing less then pure happiness in their life. Its a great thing when you finally realize your goals in life.
This month Self Inspired Beauty figured out her goals at the young age of 21. Allyson Marie Leak is a jewelry designer, a journalist, a motivational speaker and much more. ( check out her jewelry at In 2001, Allyson attended Temple University and majored in broadcast journalism. She became the founder and editor-in-chief of “She Mag”, a magazine focused on uplifting and uniting young women.A magazine like " She Mag" is hard to find these days. That is why its always amazing when you find a women who enjoys inspiring and uplifting other women.Especially in our subculture were women often put each other down and are Major haters. After graduating, Allyson moved to New York City and became a writer for Hype Hair Magazine, Angela Simmons “Rundown Mag” and Soul Food magazine. This was also the time Allyson started designing her jewelry line. In 2007 Allyson was a featured “fashion writer” on an episode of MTV’s hit show “Runs House”. Allyson is truly the epitome of a self inspired beauty. Her beauty clearly lies not only on her outer appearance but it is evident that she takes pride in her creative beauty also. To be so accomplished at her age is clearly proof of her creative beauty as well as her entrepreneurial spirit. Through reading her amazing blog ( You will discover that she has a passion for uniting, empowering ,and uplifting womens accomplishments.I have been extremely impressed by her as well as inspired, Allyson was gracious enough to let me feature her in my blog so that you can have the opportunity to be introduced to a true self inspired beauty. Check out my interview with Allyson below. Allyson has made it even more clear to me that life can not be lived to its fullest extent , unless you are inspired. Until next time, always be on the look out for your self inspired beauty.

(Don't forget to check out Allyson's Blog and her Jewelry line at Did you miss last months Self inspired beauty of the month Cielta Thomas? click on this link to catch up )

How would you describe your style?

Ally: Hmmm. My style changes with my mood. But usually I like classic simple chic pieces that are reminiscent of a great fashion era like the 40’s or 60’s

Skinny leg or boot cut ?

Ally: Well maybe a few months ago I would have said skinny leg but now I am into both. I like boot leg high waist pants if I am wearing a high platform pump. But I won’t do boot cut with flats…

Stiletto or pump?

Ally: I am so over super skinny heels because they make my feet hurt LOL.

Mac store or Sephora?

Ally: Well I barely ever wear makeup but if I had to choose I would say Sephora because it’s like being in a makeup candy shop with all the great brands.

Pointy toe or round toe?

Ally: For Fall I will be doing round toe…

What’s the one beauty product you can’t live without?

Ally: LIP GLOSS. If I leave home without some gloss then I will buy some while I’m out...

What do you admire most in a women?

Ally: That we are so strong by nature. Even through hard times we manage to come out on top or at least ask for help.

What do you think is the most important asset a women can posses?

Ally: Honesty… If you can get to a point in your life where you view your honesty and integrity as sacred attributes then you have come far in my opinion.

What in your environment inspires you to recognize your self-inspired beauty?

Ally: Hmmm I have little things around my apartment that serve as reminders for me. I have famous quotes about life and quotes that I have written. I have affirmations to help me get through the day. I also have really girly creative decorative accents in my apartment like bright turquoise candles and a pearl antique picture frame that just remind me of beauty and make me happy ;)

What in your environment inspired you to chase after your dreams? Ally: Well my mother has been supporting my efforts ever since I was about eight years old. I wanted a t-shirt business and she bought me an airbrush t-shirt machine. I wanted a jewelry business and the next day we were in the craft store buying clay beads and baking them at home. She has supported my creativity and entrepreneurial spirit and that is why I can do what I do now.

What was your first step in becoming a jewelry designer/vendor ?

Ally: I went to the bead store and picked beads I liked. I bought pliers and wire and went home and started practicing.

How old where you when you realized what your life's goal was?

Ally: I realized my life goal or one of them at the age of 21. At 21 I had a revelation. I knew that I was supposed to help people. I am using my blog as my first outlet to get that dream started.

If you weren't living in New York being a jewelry designer/ public speaker/ everything else what would you be doing instead?

Ally: I would love to one day live a very simple life. I would be living on an island somewhere. I would wake up everyday on this island to journal, meditate, and pray, raise a family, and work with kids at a center. I love my lifestyle now but would also love to experience that one day.

If you could give once piece of advice to a woman who is an entrepreneur, what would it be?

Ally: There are a million paths to the same destination. Meaning try not to get frustrated when you work hard or create a path and things go differently. They go differently because there is a divine plan for you and if you learn to work with it or go with its flow then everything falls into place at the right time. And stay away from negative people. Remember there is nothing normal about following your dreams. It means being out of the box, being abnormal and trust me people will not understand you but try to ignore them and keep it moving. It takes perseverance, a lot of courage, and discipline to follow your dreams and if you think you can do it then please at least try.

Why do you consider yourself a self-inspired beauty? Do you feel that all women should recognize their self-inspired beauty? If so why?

Ally: I am a self-inspired beauty because I don’t need anyone or anything to define me. I wear what I want, do what I want, and dance how I want (LOL) and rarely every worry about what people think about me. Part of loving your self is being free. The more you grow and learn about yourself and the world around you then there is this indescribably feeling of “freeness” that comes along with it and it’s amazing! I think that all women should aim to find their self inspired beauty because it makes life that much more enjoyable.