Thursday, June 25, 2009

Optimum Beauty

Hey S.I.B's ! I hope everyones week has been great! The summer is here and its time for sun dresses, shorts,tank tops and sandals. I love the summer because this time of year is when some of my most flirty outfits come out to play! With all this skin we ladies have showing in the summer, the perfect accessory is beautiful skin. I take so much pride in my skin and I have been loving the results! It all started in September when I realized that my skin wasn't looking as good as it did in the start of the summer of 08'. So I went on the look out for the perfect facial scrub. I tried so many drug store brands and they helped me but they didn't give me my desired look. As a result, I went to sephora to see what they had. To my surprise they had everything! However, everything cost 30 dollars and above!.....Did I want to buy face scrub or eat?...Ok that might be a little dramatic but Omg!!! I guess you have to pay for beauty right?. Wrong! I tried to buy it but I just couldn't. Early that day I saw a pair of ruby red swede pumps on sale for forty dollars! I soooo needed them. So I decided to skip the scrub, buy the shoes, and make my own facial scrub! I did my research and made a scrub at home . The scrub I concocted made my skin so soft and smooth and even looking!!! I call it my shoe facial scrub, because if I keep making my own beauty products I can buy more shoes!!!! Yes people I'm obsessed! Anyway, I will give you the recipe at the bottom of this post so that we all can have beautiful skin!!! Try it! It worked for me! Until next time always be on the look out for self inspired beauty.

Shoe Facial Scrub

half cup brown sugar ( To exfoliate )
forth cup extra virgin olive oil ( to moisturise )
two tablespoons of lemon juice (to fight off acne)
one tablespoon of coconut oil (for softer skin)

* these are the main ingredients I have added a few more ingredients to mine that are good for my skin. But do your own research and see whats good for your skin.