Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The relationship we have with the world is largely determined by the relationship we have with our self ~ Grey Anderson

Have you ever had that girl/women in your class or work place who seems to epitomize the very essence of beauty, class, and grace. She walks with a slight hop in her step that stems from her lack of faults and her abundance of perfectness. When she enters the room every eyes is on her. All the men want her and all the women want to be like her. She conveys such a strong sense of self confidence that is so overwhelming that it diminishes the fact that she is also human and has flaws. I like to refer to these women as “The Optimum Women". The word optimum is defined as the most desirable or favorable. This woman is not necessarily a size two or is a 5 feet 9 inches blond bombshell, but she posses something that is long-lasting. She realizes that she might not be perfect but she is beautiful anyway. She is sure of the fact that she will in fact become successful and will complete her goals. This woman has something more powerful and important to womens well being more then shopping or even chocolate! This woman has self confidence and a high sense of self esteem. So often women look at other women and compare themselves to them. This unhealthy behavior can in fact lead to a lifetime of feeling not good enough and putting other women down because of insecurity. Having self confidence and obtaining an extreme self esteem level takes a few easy steps that I will give you in a later post, but for now I would like for you to realize the importance of self esteem and how far it can get you in your goals in life. How we deal with the world and relationships around us has so much to do with what we think about ourselves. Always remember to love yourself for you.