Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Optimum Health (You are what you eat)

If in fact you are what you eat, why in the world am I presently resembling a round juicy apple ,more then that slender, sleek, yummy chocolate Twix bar that I had a moment ago? Someone really needs to let my jeans know about the "you are what you eat" concept....because apparently....they didn't get the memo! One of my BFF's said to me the other day "what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body. " (famous words by Cherie Keogh) I recently realized that I spend so much time thinking about what I'm putting on my body that what goes in my body rarely takes precedence.The yo-yo dieting, the eating late, and the huge portions of food are really hurting my insides. I decided last week that I am going to make a life style change and start treating my body the way I treat my new Jessica Simpson round toe pumps! ( just got them at DSW....AMAZING!!) I want to treat my body with care and make better choices . I also decided to work on my mind set. I will stop calling myself fat. I know Im not fat, but the images of those size 0 models just makes me want to shove a big mac down their throat!...........Sorry i lost my head... A VEGGIE BURGER DOWN THEIR THROAT ( this is about healthy eating after ! ) I would love to loose some weight but I am in no way a tub of lard. Ladies, we all need to start treating our bodies like a precious commodity, because it is! We need to stop comparing ourself to other people and start to live our healthy life. Did you know that 78 percent of black women are overweight!....Just that percentage alone made me wanna put down my Snickers bar and pick up a banana! If your two thin ,overweight, or just have bad eating habits, it time to change now! Join me while I try to obtain optimum beauty,self esteem, and health. I'm going to be on the look out for my self inspired beauty!!!!!!